Check out my blood and short-tailed pythons - and share yours!

Yes! An ultra Breit too! :blush:
I cannot wait I will say, we are going to be building him an enclosure too, all planted out etc and bio just like where he comes from. Though I know he’ll most likely squash them. But Infact some plants where he lives are very hardy and can withstand weight :joy:
So we shall see how that goes! :grin:
This is ‘Dante’ :blush:
These are photos I have atm!


I love that you can tell just how small he is in the second picture lol :joy:. He is definitely one of my favorite short tail morphs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: It is a name, not the audio and video software.
He is gorgeous @ghoulishcresties! Enjoy him!

Haha, I didn’t pick it but it’s staying as we don’t have one yet!

I can’t wait. I pick him up end of June :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Yes, at the moment he’s a mere hate squiggle. His hiss is very big.


@ghoulishcresties, he’s gorgeous! :heart: I’ve been told by several people that short tails aren’t great candidates for bio set-ups. Partly because they have a tendency to bulldoze and dig up any plants, and also because the amount of liquid urine they produce (and the substrate changes it necessitates) makes it difficult to keep things like springtails and isopods alive and healthy in there. But if you end up trying the bio setup, I’ll be curious to hear how it goes! I was initially considering it for my girl, but ultimately decided against it. If you’re able to make it work, I may reconsider giving it a try.

@stackedbp He definitely looks like an angry little man. That is the pose of an unhappy short tail, haha. Hopefully he’ll settle down eventually!


Noddle hate is the best lol


Stunning display. Just beautiful


I can finally join in! Here’s our boy :yum:


I was hoping we’d get pics of this guy soon! He’s so gorgeous!!! Welcome to the club. :sunglasses:

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Thankyou! So happy to have him here with us all :blush: He’s a beautiful hissy boy :laughing:
He’s only around 18 months, still some growing to do :flushed:

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Yeah, short tails have a reputation for being pretty vocal. They’re not shy about letting you know when they’re annoyed with you. :joy:

My blood girl was pretty huffy in the beginning, but she rarely hisses at me these days. Mostly only when she’s in shed and/or thinks I’m going to give her a bath, haha.


Congratulations! He is beautiful! I love ultras!

Alright guys, it’s been over a month. I’m gonna need updated photos of everyone’s blood and short tails!


He’s so gorgeous! Has he calmed down at all? I seem to remember you saying that he arrived with a bit of an attitude.

Here’s my girl from a few weeks ago:

I really wish my camera didn’t wash out her colours so much. She’s so much more vibrant in person.


OMG I love her!!! I actually got het T+ animals on purpose because I think the wild coloration is so stunning. I can’t wait for a few years from now to get a clutch with such vastly different looking hatchlings. I know if I’m not careful I’ll end up keeping every blood I produce.

My dude has actually chilled out a lot, still a little noisy but tolerant. It’s my female now who doesn’t want anything to do with me!


I love wild-type bloods. There are some truly stunning morphs (I especially love pixels like your boy), but that wild-type colouring is what initially made me fall in love with the species, so I knew my first blood had to be a normal.

That’s so cool that you’ll be able to produce such a variety of morphs! I don’t think there’s a blood python morph I dislike. They may not have the sheer number of mutations ball pythons have, but all the blood python morphs that do exist are so gorgeous.

That’s great that your boy has calmed down. Hopefully your grumpy girl will learn from his example!

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Thank you for the updated picture of your boy! I definitely live through these pictures.


Heres the latest of my Clive. And yeah, hes pretty but a serious butt-head!


He is so thicc lol :joy:

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