Do you see what I see? Windows in eggs

Thank you! I find it curious that these bloodlines produce really nice, clean Stripes, and also really nice Cube Stripes. That’s always been a head-scratcher. Seems like it would be one or the other. I know of at least one other breeder who said that their male does the same thing. Just another thing which goes to show how much we don’t understand. :woman_shrugging:


Speaking of Cubes, this little one is still hanging in there. It’s now detached from the yolk sac. The yolk stalk/stem is still attached. I have it on very damp paper towel for tonight. Still praying that this baby pulls through. This one has a name. It’s either Fortunato or Fortunata, depending upon gender.


Is this one extra small too? It’s a particularly nice looking baby, really hope it pulls through!


Come on, little one, we’re cheering for you!!!


These babies are spectacular! Each one! My 2 faves are the stripe and the little tiny baby! Sending virtual hugs and good vibes for that little one!

Hugs GIF


Love the stripe with the amel! But I do love me some honey stripes :upside_down_face:.


Thank you so much for the support. It means so much to me. :heart: I’ve got a very happy update!! This morning, little Fortunato had shed the yolk stalk without any issue. He was sitting in his cup looking at me like any other normal hatching would, just in miniature. I wasn’t about to try popping such a small baby but I was able to tell he is male with a mag light. Usually can’t tell with Anery types, but his tail is light grey so I could see the hemipenes with the light.

Yes, @solarserpents, he’s a little guy. He weighed in at all of 3.1 g, slightly less than a typical copper-clad penny. The egg he was in was the smallest of the fertile ones, and of course I wish he’d absorbed more yolk while inside the egg. I’ve had several mini babies over the years, either from small eggs or twins or whatever random reason. Most have done fine & caught up to peers in growth within a few months. This baby has certainly demonstrated a strong will to live. Hopefully he will translate that into feeding when it’s time!


Thanks. I love me some honey stripes, too! I know you’re a fan of grey. Thinking you’re gonna like little Fortunato.


Oh he is precious!


Thanks! I admit, I’m officially in love! He really has heart, and he’s firmly captured mine. :heart: :heart: :heart:


Oh my goodness @caryl! What a sweet little teeny baby boy! It’s truly a miracle of nature that he hung on and beat the odds stacked against him! He is truly a preemi sp?

How in the world are you ever going to feed him? Or what are you going to feed him? Rodent tails? Just wondering……. :thinking:

And btw he is unique in color! Are you keeping him?


I don’t think he’s a preemie, just a teeny. He could have done with staying inside the egg to more effectively absorb his yolk, but he was in there long enough to be fully developed. He’ll initially be offered parts of very small pinkies. Assuming all goes well, he’ll work up to extra small pinkies, then on from there. I’ve had a few very small babies over the years who have done just fine. Saying prayers that this baby joins that line of successes.

I was hoping for an Anery Cube from this pairing. Yes, I’m planning to keep this little cutie. :heart:


@caryl Oh I am so glad you are keeping him! I know you have had experience with these little guys but I still can’t imagine it. He is absolutely the cutest little teeny weeny! You should name him Rubic! Lol. Definitely want to see updates and pics of him and all the others of course! :pray:


I’ll keep you posted with his milestones. I love Cubes, and really wanted an Anery Cube from this clutch. They’re all het Lavender and Amel. If things go well, Fortunato will have a hot date in 2026 with Nimue, my Hypo Moonstone Stripe.

Great minds, lol. I already have a Rubik though. He’s one of Dazzler’s too, so a half sibling to this group.


Wow @caryl! Beauts! I forgot you had already named him! I like the name you gave him a lot better anyway! :+1::heart::clap:


“Fortunato” just popped into my head, pretty much when I first realized that he was alive. I ordered some extra small pinkies this morning so they’ll be here when he’s ready for them. They can be good for a first meal for everybody, anyway.

I obviously like your suggested name, too. :wink: the others in this clutch haven’t been named yet. I will see what their personalities are like after they’ve shed.


Yes that’s a great idea to check out personalities when possible because we know that not all snakes are the same……!!! :+1::sunglasses:


I do like him :upside_down_face:. You all are getting me with the corns lol


So @lumpy are you going to try to talk Caryl out of teeny tiny little Fortunato? :thinking:


Lol I wouldn’t even think about that :upside_down_face:. You know how much @caryl means to us, the staff of MorphMarket. I also wouldn’t want to have to talk he out of keeping him because I am her mentor for the Community Support Team. Plus she really wanted an Anery cube, no matter how cute he is :blush:.