Lavender in Cresties

I have no input other than to say your girl is GORGEOUS. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Always happy to help :black_heart:

Since she fires up jet black I wouldnā€™t say lavā€¦ if you read up LMR has said that lavs fade with age so for an adult she shouldnā€™t be that colour.
Usually lavs are a greyish when fired like mine.
Headstamp is also dark whereas lavs tend to have light head stamps when fired.
Theyā€™re also light cream-white in colour with the lav which your girl isnā€™t unfortunately.

So in my opinion based on lavs, and on LMRs reply above, sheā€™s not a lav unfortunately so itā€™s sad you were sold her as one, but she is a lovely dark based partial quad :grin:

As said dark based (black) usually fire down a lavender colour, which a few here do, or even a teal colour, and also green too. Pretty cool Cresties :relaxed:


Omg ty!!! I dont like to post until theyre here but i am drooling over her!! Shes hands down my favorite ive laid eyes on. Thank you so much for the compliment!


If u dont mind will u share a pic of your girl fired up and down? I kinda follow what your saying- or ayleast im trying really hard!. I read what lmr wrote and was so confused! I remember seeing something about headstamo but if im not mistaken it was regarding phantomā€¦ maybeā€¦ im not even sure anymore. I believe it was on his page but it wasnt about lavenders in that case.

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I agree that your Crestie isnā€™t a Lavender.

Lavender usually fire down lavender ISH in colour and fire up grey ISH, or with age brown. Plus the head stamp should be light in colour, your girls head stamp is dark.

Your girl fires up black. Most of my Cresties fire down similar to your gecko but mine are dark based, not Lavender.

Iā€™ve looked at LMRs website, he has pics of some of his lavenders on there (Iā€™m so envious as I want a Lavender). That might help you with pics? Plus there are pics further up this conversation (incase you missed them). I see so many lavenders advertised, but none of them look lavender, to me anyways.

I love dark base Cresties & Iā€™m envious you have a quadstripe. She is an amazing dark base quad :heart_eyes:


Interesting! The last two he says are subjective make me think of her. But anways!- so the headstamp should always stay light? Hers looks to change from fired to not. Hmmm so then back to my orginal questionā€¦ what happens if I pair her whatever she is lol to my green boy. Ill get a fired pic to share. Gosh well lav or not i lub her! My mind is so blown truly! I swear in lm w/ pangea vid they said pair red to black get lav :confused: then i read so much info on true lavs vs not true. And how people argue over wheter they fire dark or they dont fire etc. I believe im even more confused. Hahaha back to the books!


Brown chicken brown cow!

Red to black can make lavs, but itā€™s not a case of you get lavenders all the time.
I have a male here thatā€™s looking lav from a red/black pairing too.

This is the female and male of mine. They fire a light grey.


All Cresties go lighter when fired down.

The best way to get Lavender is lavender to lavender or ratios of lavender are likely to be low.
There is talk of yellow to black.

I think it comes down to the genetics the paired Cresties are carrying.

Iā€™m almost certain that my dark soft scale Crestie will produce lavender offspring if paired to the right girl, as his dam is Lavender, but I wonā€™t know until I find a lavender. Or I will pair him to a red & go from there


Or pair him to another darker based :grin:

Confusing isnā€™t it :joy:


Is he green/olive when fired down, or when fired up?
I think Iā€™ve read that brown based geckos turn green-ish when fired down. Black-based turn blue-ish (like your gorgeous girl, how I would love to have that one!!)


Heā€™s brown fired up, thereā€™s another pic.

So heā€™s actually not an Olive as theyā€™re green fired up and down.
I miss my olive I must say!

Though black cresties can also fire down green too :relaxed:


Gosh yes! My hubby loves green always has! The only one ive seen is on mm under the olive section a rtb female but to me i dont think shes olive but clearly i just keep getting more and more confused!!! And judt when i thought i was grapsing it!


Thatā€™s because nearly all are labelled wrong and arenā€™t olives :sweat_smile:

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Rainbow Drop will go to Kona (probably 2023) whoā€™s a dark soft scale as Iā€™m hoping to produce a super soft so will see of any Lavenders are produced, but I doubt it.

And I agree, so many Cresties are labelled wrong :pensive:

I agree with your assessments. Youā€™re all getting the hang of identifying lavender from young to adult and fired up vs fired down. Woooooooooot.


I feel so honoured :sweat_smile:


Yey :grin:

I just hope I can put it to actual practise when hunting for a Lavender :crossed_fingers:

Ohhhhh new beauties after re reading this thread im thinking lav!

Fired down vs partially fired up

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Not a lav no, but lush :grin:
Pos hypo though!
When breeding try pair to another hypo or a true lav.
Even yellow, red or black based!