New Recommended Seller Reviews Forum

At MorphMarket , we have a ratings system which should be the first place to check for gauging the reputation of a seller (or a buyer, if you are engaged with them). And while these forums don’t allow for reviewing sellers, for longer form discussion of incidents, we have historically recommended two other sites: Fauna Classifieds BOI and the old FBI group. Unfortunately at this point both are now gone.

After some consideration, we have selected a new recommendation: the Herpetoculture Feedback and Inquiry Facebook Group.

The HFI group is now recommended in our docs on researching sellers and in our dispute resolution process, and it’s supported in our ratings system where we allow linking to an external discussion.

Navigating and arbitrating these disputes is a very challenging task. We know this very well at MorphMarket as we’re privately engaged in this sort of thing every week on a small fraction of the large amount of commerce that takes place here. We are grateful to the moderators of the HFI for their work to help bring out the truth of these complex situations in order to promote resolutions and awareness.