Racks, Cages, Equipment and Supplies Categories [1178]

Was thinking it would be great if there was a new categories for things like racks, cages, and accessories. These are things everyone uses and needs. So why not have a place to sell them here?


A post was merged into an existing topic: What new features do you want to see?

Just found this thread -

I know this site generally focuses on the live animal marketplace, for that reason maybe this wouldn’t really fit in?

But I have thought that it might be nice to have a “New/Used Equipment” type section where people could post racks, thermostats, dry goods essentially that they may have available. Again I understand why this category may be better suited to other sites but just an idea.

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I can see new equipment and prominent manufacturers having their own stores, used not so much to me that would cheapen the market place and start giving it a feel of flee market. Just my opinion though.


I would be fearful of that as well, I do understand. Sometimes you know I’ll have a perfectly good extra thermostat etc. laying around and so you consider offering it to someone else. That’s what got me thinking down that path but like you said, probably messy in reality.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Wanted Section aka In Search Of Alerts

Feeders, general supplies, cages? Lots of people have custom products (like 3d printed water dishes or custom made hides, cages, etc) that would be nice to have a listing option for, maybe? Stuff you won’t find at a typical retailer.

And of course huge market for people selling used products as well, I’m sure.


Your definitely not alone in this idea, we get it often :wink:

We’re working on site expansion in the future that may include selling dry goods such as merch, supplies, and caging, but at this time, these kinds of things are not allowed to be sold on MorphMarket .

Also welcome to the community :blush:


@john Lets see this happen for manufacturers PLEASE!!! I’m sure ARS,C Serpents, FB etc.


Will MorphMarket ever have a section for gently used/unused equipment, like enclosures, light mounts, and so on?


I will flag @eaglereptiles and @john for comment on that

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It’s very likely that we will see an equipment category on MM in the future… But we won’t stop there.

We realistically want to entertain every type of member of the community, from animal sellers, equipment makers, content creators, rescues, retailers, charities… Everyone. We want there to be the same amount of value of having a MM Org across the board.

Technically, the foundations are in place for a equipment company to come onto MorphMarket, create a MM Organisation as a Manufacturer and advertise their brand… It’s just we’ve not opened/allowed these types of ads yet.

Here’s the area you should look to see across MM in the future

What we already have:

  • Seller
  • Breeder
  • Pet Store
  • Expo
  • Rescue
  • Software
  • Advocacy

Where we want to grow:

  • Artist
  • Charity
  • Club / Society
  • Content Creator
  • Courier
  • Education
  • Feeder Breeder
  • Herp Party
  • Importer / Exporter
  • Manufacturer
  • Other
  • Publisher
  • Retail / Pet Store
  • Shipping Service
  • Testing Service
  • Veterinarian
  • Zoo / Aquarium

By the way, these Orgs can be created and approve RIGHT NOW!
For example United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) - MorphMarket


Oh that is EPIC. I just gotta say, stellar work, guys. I can’t wait to see these things as we grow. I’m an Artist myself so I’d hope to take advantage of that.


I would love the community and staff thoughts on adding an enclosure tab to MorphMarket . I know that there are many companies that build Custom Enclosures as well as many in the hobby with carpentry and mechanical skills that build really nice custom enclosures. Also oftentimes people are getting out of the Hobby and have large collections of enclosures or racks for sale. I think it would be great if MorphMarket had some option on the platform for people to post and sell used enclosures as well as offer their services for custom built cages and terrariums. This could be a big help to people who are interested in purchasing new species that need enclosures and setups as well and maybe help create a One-Stop shop for those people. Perhaps it’s something that does not interest the community but I think it could be a very helpful resource.


I think it would be a good idea. I know I would list the fb/ars style racks I’ve been building.


Sounds like a win to me.


@john @t_h_wyman @eaglereptiles


I personally would 100% support this. This is a feature I’ve been wanting for a long time.


People could also list accessories for the enclosures, such as creative hides etc. I typically just buy my enclosures off of Amazon because i get free shipping and items possibly arrives that day or the next.

I think its a neat idea but keeping in mind of just how expensive shipping is for animals and now you have a fairly large box and weight since FedEx/UPS scale prices based on size and weight it could be prohibitively expensive. Someone would be losing out here either the seller or the buyer. The seller isn’t going to want to eat the cost of shipping and if they did they would simply jack the cost of the enclosure up to cover that loss. The buyer isn’t going to see value in buying when for example they can go to Amazon for example and just pay the cost of the enclosure plus tax with free shipping.

I think the value would be in custom creations because its not likely that they would be able to get a custom enclosure built to their specifications. Yes you may be able to find an approximate enclosure but it wouldn’t have the extras like special heating and lighting or an enclosure to maybe retain humidy or one that eliminated some humidity.

My animals are costing me about 70.00 shipping and they only weigh grams, thats why i typically order 4 or 5 animals so i can justify spending 70 bucks. As everyone knows i love arachnids and black widows are probably one of my favorites. I can get them about 15 bucks each but to not buy in bulk to me is not worth 80 dollars for an animal that may only live a short while. I could probably see myself buying a custom but it would have to meet all my needs.

With the high cost of shipping im not sure it would be feasible to sell enclosures on MM, maybe as local pick up sales.

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I agree and I should have stated it in my initial message that this would be mainly intended for local sales and to help small businesses grow their local clientele. Determination I have built and delivered enclosures all over my state since I started doing it but I need a bigger platform to advertise and MorphMarket would be perfect. There are a lot of reptile sellers on here that only offer their animals for local pickup and do not ship. In some instances the cost of a used system plus shipping could still be more cost-effective than a new system especially if it doesn’t have to be shipped far. Hopefully in the future fuel prices will come down and so will shipping that may help this as well. Either way, I don’t see how it could hurt and I think it only be a positive thing for the platform. Especially the ability to make and sell custom hides or accessories like feeding Ledges or substrate mixes.

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