Show off your Hognose Snakes!

I was just scrolling through this thread and saw this. :joy: Clever, don’t you think?


I think your only bet would be a show at that price range you used to be able to get normals for 100 all day but I’m beating a dead horse at this point with that


I should be getting another hog within the next couple months, so I’ll share a pic when I get that.


Yay! Are you getting a girlfriend for your het snow?


Yes! I am! I got my eyes on two hogs, just gotta decide which to get. One is an axanthic conda, the other is another het snow.


The first one is axanthic conda het snow and the 2nd one is a super arctic conda.


They’ve had a massive boost in popularity in the last few years, driving up demand and consequently, prices. I bought my first hognose at a reptile show in 2011, when they were a bit more obscure (there were only 2 hognoses at the entire show!) If you’re just looking for a pet and not too concerned about hets, you could keep your eye on Craigslist and see if you can find a cheaper rehome, and also avoid the shipping cost.


Ok yeah I was asking about the second one thanks!

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Ok, that explains it. I figured they were either too popular or not popular enough to create those numbers. Thanks for the help!


Missing a few but I have to scroll for days to find their pics.


They are all beautiful! Hogs are definitely on my list of must haves!


@lumpy They are so cool. I honestly can’t believe I waited as long as I did to get one. Then I acquired two others over 5 months. And now I’m looking into breeding when they hit adult size. I bet you’d fall in love. They have the best little personalities. Sassy but sweet.


So nice to see another starting hognose breeder! I’m getting a female a month from now, then likely another male in the fall or winter.


This thread has only furthered my want for a hognose snake honestly, can’t have snakes in my new place unfortunately so it will still be a hot minute v.v


Awesome! Can’t wait to see pics of what you pick up. And I know it’s probably still gonna be a couple years out least for me but it’ll be nice to have someone else to bounce ideas off of and share experiences with (whose at the same level). Definitely keep me posted! Gonna be so cool watching the future parents grow and see what little ones they produce!

I have a Heinz 57 pretty reddish normal of unknown background (technically my husbands but he’s my buddy) watermelon conda girl, lavender girl, and I’m paying off a lavender conda boy. Would like to pick up some Arctic’s/super Arctic’s in the future…. And god knows what else. They’re all so adorable and beautiful!

Only issue I can imagine having is trying not to keep them all! Hahahah. :joy:


I’d love to get a hognose snake pair (or two or three :grin:), but it will be in the future and likely after I get kenyan sand boas and african house snakes. So, until then I’ll just enjoy these pictures.


Thats legit one of my fears when i breed avalon this year. Especially if she ends up producing axanthic and snow. Ill be screewwwed. :sweat_smile:

Its definitely exciting planning out pairings. Have those of you whonare planning to breed written down your plans? Ive got a notebook with 5 years worth of breeding plans.


I haven’t written down solid plans but I know I want to work with lavender and lavender arctic combos mainly. With perhaps some corals down the line. Kinda as a byproduct of that id also like to produce some super Arctic’s as well. I also have a watermelon conda girl but have yet to track down anything I’d want to put to her yet. Not to mention I haven’t seen much pop up in the way of other watermelons and I’m personally not too familiar with what green hypo/super green hypo does combined into other morphs. (If anyone knows feel free to jump in).

Regardless everyone’s still growing out at the moment and I’m trying to make sure they’re happy and healthy and not overfed and trying to rush into anything. Plus I’m just enjoying spending time with them as they’re all very friendly towards me and an absolute pleasure to handle.

Also I’ll probably start with pairing off like 3 couples and look into expanding down the line if it’s something I think I can handle on a larger scale. Not expecting to be able to retire off of it but just having fun/introducing others to the joys of hognose and make a little extra pocket money to put back into all the scale babies :slight_smile:


I’m pairing a conda het snow with a het snow next season, so if through some stroke of luck I get a yeti… :grimacing: :joy:


Holy crap id crap myself in your shoes. :rofl: