I have two cresties, a male and a female. I don’t think I’m ever gonna breed my female, but I’m looking for a nice female from my male. Elmer is my male (partial pinstripe) and Fuego, or “Figgy” is my dark base harlequin.
6 posts were split to a new topic: Day Gecko Sex?
What are we looking at today? Also congratulations on the eggs!
Is that a new hatchling? Mourning gecko? Either way it’s adorable!!
Yep, the first of many from this group of mourning geckos. I’ve posted other pictures of the clutch as it has grown, but that’s the first one to hatch and the hatchling is doing great. The rest are soon to follow…
That’s awesome! Can’t wait to see the others hatch out!
Those eyes
His eyes are huge looking, so cute
Hes adorable, but incredibly shy. A friend bought him from a petstore and then gave him to me cuz she has impulse control issues and didnt think she could care for him properly.
Well, I am happy he ended up in a home that will care for him properly. He is a beautiful aft.
Looks so proud