Spayed female, gravid 🙃 (Ovarian Remnant Syndrome)

Her body condition looks very well, considering what she just went through. I know you supervised her throughout. Did you also feed a slightly smaller prey item then usual? She also seems active to, looking good for the recovery!


Yep, I went two sizes down (vet approved) due to the size of the incision and not wanting to cause any issues there. She’s now back to resting, this time fully inside her warm hide all curled up.


Great job taking extra precautions with her at this time!


I’m not letting anything interrupt her healing if I can help it. I fully deep cleaned & sanitized her tub yesterday to have it ready and waiting when I got her home. Nothing organic or with any sharp edges in the enclosure. She’s on white rags for monitoring purposes. I’ve got first aid supplies on standby if need be. Full helicopter parent mode. :sweat_smile:


It sounds like she’s gonna do well. An appetite already is a fantastic sign- she’s got spirit!


Celia is proving once again what s champ she is! And hey, so are you, @noodlehaus ! Glad you’re girl is doing so well.


No new news to report today. Celia is still in full rest/heal/digest mode inside her warm hide. I do peek in from time to time just to be sure she’s still alright, for my own sanity, lol. It’s all her now, not much for me to do other than provide medication, food, and water.

I know I’ve said it a bunch already, but thank you all for the support. I’m very happy to hopefully be in the home stretch of this long journey with her.


I said I was going to spoil her, and I meant it. Today she got a personal escort outside in a clean travel bin to bask in the sunshine. She was very interested in smelling all the things and moving around, even trying to exit the bin at one point.


Love that you’re giving Celia the great outdoors in a safe way while she’s in recovery. Stimulating all the good feels has to be a positive thing for her. I know that, for humans, getting outdoors after big health challenges is a wonderful thing. Stands to reason that animals benefit, too. Brava!


Aw, that’s nice. I’m glad she enjoyed it.


So, so glad to hear that Celia is doing well after her surgery. Goodness that’s a long incision! Poor thing. But the fact that she has an appetite and seems to be recovering strength and energy is a good sign. And she’s definitely got a first-class caregiver to support her through her recovery and beyond. :blush::heart:


Such a great idea for a noodle doing well in surgery recovery- Sunbathing a bit for extra UV! I bet she enjoyed that, sounds like she felt chipper.


Best update yet: Celia has pooped!!! I was worried about how long she was taking, so at the end of the week I emailed the vet with a couple of questions about abx & whether or not she could be soaked. As I suspected, the answer on soaking was no, so alternatives it was!

I cleaned & sanitized the tub tonight, then put down a thin towel (less likely to snag on the sutures) and let her explore. Less than five minutes and we had success! Nothing out of the ordinary, no straining, everything looked totally normal. Now it’s all down to waiting for her to fully heal.

Next milestone will be suture removal at the end of the month, thankful for the sheer relief that comes with knowing all of my girl’s systems are functioning.


Not every day that pooping is a reason for high praise. So glad she is doing so well.


That’s great news! Healing inside and out, nice!


She’s doing all the snakey things. Even ate another meal with gusto tonight!


That’s really great to hear! It’s wonderful that Celia has hit this recovery milestone. I’m so happy that she is healing well. :heartbeat: I know it’s a huge weight off your mind.


Well, her vet bill is officially all paid off! Oh the relief of not having that hanging over everything. Now it’s just a wait for her suture removal, and then hopefully smooth sailing from here on out!


Another update after doing afternoon rounds: she’s in blue! First post-op shed incoming, can’t wait to get a look at the healing progress after. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s exciting! I hope she looks more healed after! Snakes truly are remarkable at healing themselves! Updated pics after shed would be enjoyed by many here!