She is a strong, beautiful snake! Glad yall are doing well!!
I am so happy that she is looking so good! I can’t wait to watch her live that life.
She looks incredible! She couldn’t possibly be in better care than what you provide.
She really looks healthy! Great body composition, not at all too skinny. Still quite the impressive length of incision, which looks super good as well! I’d say she really has made a great comeback for all she has went through! You are the reason she has! Congratulations on a wonderful job with her!
Hooray for Celia, and hooray for you @noodlehaus ! She looks wonderful. Knowing all of Celia’s saga, one might think she’s been incredibly unlucky in the biology department. That may be true. She has, however, been amazingly, astonishingly, surpassingly blessed in having you to see her through these trials.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times, thank you everyone for all of the encouragement, well wishes, prayers, what have you. Celia and I have been through a lot and without the support, I’d have been second guessing myself at every turn. She’s here and thriving partially because of this place, and I’m forever grateful for that.
Wow she’s healing great! Thank goodness!!
And so it ends. The saga of the second spay has drawn to a close with the removal (at home) of her sutures! I didn’t even bother asking about removing them until over 8 weeks post-op. I wanted the best outcome possible on the closure. A couple of the suture points are irritated due to the stuck shed, but they should be back to normal in a week. While she was unimpressed with me taking them out, I can tell it’s one less annoyance for her. She can officially get her substrate and decor back!
Thank you all for the support, well wishes, everything. So happy to get to spoil this girl without a worry in the world now!
Very nice! I would love to see how she’s looking now that they’re out.
Ask and you shall receive, @solarserpents! Three photos, one of her in the grass, a nice side profile, then a good look at the incision site and how everything has healed!
She looks great! Do you think she’ll keep the pinched look at the incision?
I’m not sure. As the sutures just came out this afternoon, it may take some time for the scar to reach its final shape. I do expect it should stretch/flatten to some degree, as her first incision did. I will be doing occasional gentle massaging of the area in hopes of getting things to loosen up a bit.
That’s wonderful news! She is looking super good! I bet with some meals and a few shed cycles the pinching will look a lot more minimal! I’m happy for your and your snakes outcome in this really weird situation! Congratulations!
Boy she looks great! Its so awesome everything has worked out so well!
I can’t wait to post more photos in a few months, hopefully within a year you won’t be able to notice without looking closely. She’s my fighter, took all the crazy twists and turns like a champ. She gets to lead a peaceful, pampered retirement from here on out.
I made sure to thank the entire team at our vet office in my email confirming I removed the sutures. She wouldn’t be here without them, and they were more than accommodating when it came to such a bizarre issue and unexpected expense. I’m so grateful to have her through this.
This is so wonderful!! It’s simply beautiful to see Celia out and about, suture free once more. I know she’s not mine, but I’m still very grateful for the excellent care that she’s been given. It is a grand lift for the heart. Thank you for the fantastic update!
Yeah its kinda like she is a part of all of us now.
I think, @caryl @spottedbull, that everyone that supported her qualifies as extended family at this point.
Here’s your answer, @solarserpents. @banereptiles spot on!
This is one shed post suture removal. Been doing some massage in the area for as long as she's willing to allow. It's definitely not pretty, and I suspect she's going to still have shedding issues due to the scars, but she looks almost normal from the top down view these days!I will also say, she’s so much more bright and active, especially during her enrichment time outside. It almost seems like she’s had some low-level issue since I got her, and now that her reproductive system is gone, she is more comfortable in her movements.