Spider poll/survey

  • Yes, I agree with the selling and breeding of spider
  • No, I dont agree with the breeding or selling of spider

0 voters

I think we have had numerous debates on the spider gene and whether its ethical to breed and if they should be sold, but do we really know what percent of people agree or disagree? Thought this survey would be a good way to see the data more clearly.


30 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ethics of Spiders and Spider Breeding

I am for people to do what they feel comfortable with so long they do it ethically and responsibly.


Of course. This survey wasn’t to make people shy away from spider by any means. I just thought rather than the arguments of whether its ethical or not would be much easier if we could see straight forward data. In quite happy with the results


he helped me with the formatting and setting it up. You’ll have to be mad at me cause it was my idea lol


Jumped Infront of that bullet for me like Joey on his sandwich :joy: :+1:


What a lad :joy:


What about those of us who are ‘Other’? I feel like there should be a 3rd option for ‘Undecided/Other’. I don’t think breeding severe individuals is ethical and anyone working with the gene should be actively working to remove/reduce the neurological issues.


I will take that into account for future surveys but I can no longer edit the poll or it will otherwise reset it and it will go back to zero votes. But yes, next time i will take all possibilities into account

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Thanks. It’s a tough job. There’s always going to be someone out here who feels like they’ve got to be different :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::man_shrugging:.

It’s no big deal at all. I enjoy the request and input

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