Well, this wasn't a colour I was expecting to see!

As long as she doesn’t end up with problems, she can do whatever she wants, lol. I’m not too worried this time, I know what to be on the look out for.


Leaky is 31 grams!


Wow! Definitely makes her the biggest of the entire clutch by a whopping 3g. Can’t believe she’s so big already. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know lol :joy:. She is getting huge!


If she keeps this growth rate up, she is going to make an impressive adult.


No DNA info in yet. A small update on Azula, she’s still bumpy. Today, her behaviour seems to have changed. Up until now, she was resting on top of the moss in her humid hide/lay box, however as of right now, she is burrowed in and only some of her is visible. I guess we’ll see if that change is significant at all.

Edited to add an update on the hatchlings: All of the eaters are on either double pinks or fuzzies. My two non-eaters are still refusing, but I haven’t given up on them yet. Cheeky, the remaining Amel, is currently in blue, and I think aside her, I’m just waiting on Hoover to shed. I will take new photos of everyone when the weather here clears up.


Glad to hear the good feeders are all doing well. I do hope the challenging babies get with the program soon. (I’ve got a few of that persuasion, too. Very stubborn, very frustrating.)


Still waiting for my DNA results, ever so impatiently.
A photo update on Cheeky, because I ever so love the colours during the blue phase of the shed cycle!


I love it too! Leaky just went back into blue today lol :joy:.


She really does just keep growing, huh?! :astonished: It’s hilarious because next to this one she’d look gigantic. Cheeky was a mere 18g at last weigh in. Largest of the babies here is currently 33g.


Blue Amels are always so pretty. I would love it if there was a variety which looked like that consistently.

Doggone, Jess! Are you feeding them rat pups every three days, or what? :laughing: Seriously though, they must have some majorly efficient metabolism.

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@caryl I’m starting to wonder if it’s due to my climate control method, since the babies are on a whole room heat. Temps 75+ during the day when I have the AC off (usually ~80F) and down to 69F at night, intermittent cooling. Haven’t been feeding them any differently than any other breeder, big ones get a single fuzzy every 7-10 days, smaller are still on double pinks.


That’s an interesting thought. I do much the same, though it’s a few degrees warmer in my babies’ room. My hatchling nursery (not the incubation room) runs about 82°-87°F during the day, down a few degrees at night but not below 78°F which only happens briefly if at all.

I think the variation is good for them. It is how Mother Nature cares for baby corn snakes, although she also supplies hawks and cats and king snakes. Lol I also think your babies have exceptionally strong constitutions and genetics for excellent weight gain. Those are good things.


Seems to be a variety of factors, overall. My thought was maybe my large temperature shifts, along with the timings, are closer to what they might get outdoors and thus optimize their metabolisms. If I was more scientifically inclined, I’d consider looking further into it. I was a little surprised, considering neither mom nor dad are really that big/robust, though neither have been problem feeders, either.

Can’t wait to see them as they grow, already looking so bright and beautiful. When I do my gender reveal post, I will post updated pictures for the 6 tested.


Well, should have waited until after weights tonight to post. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Running through checking on all my girls today and noticed that Sienna was seeming…Large. Weighed her, she’s actually heavier now than she was before laying her clutch this year, despite being back on a normal feeding schedule. In the process of weighing her, I also noticed she’s going into blue, despite having shed a mere 18 days ago, so…Stay tuned I guess? :upside_down_face: Seems like Azula is also going into blue at the same time, though hers is right on schedule. These ladies are keeping me on my toes.

In really awesome news, miss Celia, who was 272g at her lowest weight post surgery, is now a whopping 380g and looking absolutely wonderful. Would get pics but apparently everyone is deciding to shed this week.


That’s a good update! Especially on Celia. So glad she had recovered so well after her ordeal! :heart:

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It’s so nice to see her looking and acting like her old self, only difference is the scars, which are far less noticeable now. She’s less than 20g below her original weight pre-issues.

As for the other two, I’m just…I don’t even know anymore. One minute my season is done, next it might not be, so…I wait. :neutral_face:


Since I linked this thread in the new one, the results are in and the gender reveal is here.

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Small update on Azula, she just shed again, still not sure what’s up with her as she still looks chunky but not excessively so. Guess the next 14-21 days will give an answer either way.

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Leaky is 35 g as of today lol :joy: