Mine is probably my Tri-Stripe. I found a male for 400.00 (visual) at the expo. Breeder size too.
This guy is my most expensive. Idk that I have anything really rare.
lesser Leopard DH clown ultramel.
I don’t know that this has ever been produced. I believe her to be Champagne Chocolate Orange Dream Calico Ghost poss Enchi.
Most expensive 2 I have bought is my male enhancer het g-stripe. And my male microscale, pinstripe, poss het clown. My rarest that I produced is probably my super phantom, super coral glow. Will try to upload pics.
I guess the rarest I have is my Calico enchi spinner Yb prob. OD poss het pied. It wouldn’t let me upload any pics though.
I’m not sure about rare, but my girl Solaris is a powerhouse:
She’s a pastel mojave enchi mahogany het albino!
And my two most expensive…
Pixel, female pastel yellowbelly piebald ($900)
Plum, breeding size lavender het albino male. Also got him for $900, but he could potentially be worth way more if the het albino “proves” out. The breeder I got him from had bought him from someone else, but never proved him out personally so didn’t want to price him as het.
He’ll be paired to my red albino female to prove that out, and I’ll also be pairing him to my normal female to produce poss double hets!
Now if he would eat his dang food that would be great. Both him and Mango (both adults) went off of food for several weeks, Mango decided to start eating again but Plum hasn’t yet.
He isn’t the most expensive, but he does have a gene that isn’t commonly worked with.
Mont Blanc.
He’s a GHI fire Arroyo
The most expensive snake I own is also fairly uncommon:
He’s a Soulsucker het clown.
8 posts were split to a new topic: Your Rarest Cresties!
My Fire Leopard Clown, Clowns are basically double the price in South Korea and really hard to get yours hands on with the exception of basic Clowns and Pastel Clowns.
Rarest would probably be the two (presumably) world’s firsts I hatched this year: Pastel Mojave Bongo Hypo and Red Stripe Mojave Hypo. As well as my Cypress Yellowbelly Hypo- I can only find one that was listed on MorphMarket , months after I produced mine
Most expensive (recently) would be this Hypo Clown Het Pied
My most expensive snake is this Enchi Leo YB Pied, could have something else going on according to the breeder but he wasn’t sure.
. Mine would have to be my male firefly acid 50% het clown I just hatched. Or this beautiful pastel fire leopard Mojave double het DG clown. I also have a female clown het dg who’s beautiful as well.
My Pastel YB Dreamsicle I produced this season is my nicest ball python currently. So happy to hit on this combo! These photos really do her little justice, I need to get some updated ones.
Possibly rarest
Bamboo Enchi Firefly Calico female
Most expensive so far
Lavender albino black pastel female
One that I purchased would probably be my 1.0 Hypo Clown Pastel Lesser but I just produced these two beauties and they are perfect (no kinks)
1.0 Albino/Toffino 8 Ball (Pos Pastel)
0.1 8 Ball Het Albino or Toffee