What morph is my crestie?

So I had been checking this guy out at my local chain pet store :face_vomiting: and was pretty sad to see them keeping him in 85°F and 90% humidity, not to mention the dozen crickets just crawling all over him. So I took him home. Havent had a crestie in years, and have never been too familiar with morphs. I know the pictures arent great but does anyone have any idea what morph he could be?


Definitely has some pinstripe, @ghoulishcresties will be able to give you an answer. What a beautiful little gecko you have there :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Updated pic in natural light!



How old is your little guy? He looks a lot like my little gecko Draco. Draco’s a tri-colour but lacks the pinstripe which your gecko has. I’m seeing some Tri-colour in yours as well.

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Im not sure his age honestly, the girl at the pet store didnt even know. I think she was new because she was really skeptical getting him into the carrier box so i ended up doing it myself lol


Oh thats funny :grinning:

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In the future, be aware that purchasing pets from sources that don’t properly care for them is only going to give the irresponsible seller a financial reason to do it again. If they made a profit off of one gecko kept poorly, then they will order more from their wholesaler that will just take its place, ultimately resulting in more geckos being kept and sold by irresponsible sellers.

@foxreptile any ideas on morph? @ghoulishcresties ?

A very clear pic of the side will be helpful to them.


You are a very good person to rescue him. Best of luck to you AND him!



Is this better?


Low expression tricolour pinstripe with some awesome portholes!
The cream/white should spread a bit as he/she gets older.

Lovely pinning on that one :black_heart:


I have to agree LOVELY pinning. I’d say ur gecko is a harlequin pinstripe, not a tricolour. But i guess it’s a difference of opinion.

As quoted in the morph/trait guide
Tricolour crested geckos show three distinct colours that are displayed on the laterals, these colours must be equally shown to qualify, this includes the base colour. White spots, portholes and quadstripes are not included as one of the distinctive colours as they are separate traits. The Dorsal is also not considered as part of the Tricolour. The Dorsal will be like a Harlequin or Extreme.

If i’m correct 95F should be 29c. If so & as long as temps don’t go above 29c & not constant. Then the heat is okay (dependant on what & where it was). Also humidity should be around 90%.

Yes I agree the insects shouldn’t be in there, I have seen a few shops do the same & i WILL NOT buy a pet if it is not being cared for properly. Including them leaving insects in. It’s hard to walk away, but I agree with @mblaney . It’s just too higher of a risk on more reptiles.

Anyways, your gecko is gorgeous & appears healthy. Hope u enjoy ur new friend. I want to add (despite my reasoning against purchasing badly cared for geckos) I still wish to congratulate u as ur heart was in the right place.


Thank you guys! I did hand feed him some Pangea this morning and he absolutely loved it. The girl at the pet store said they dont feed their geckos anything but crickets so I’m assuming he’s never had it before.

I’ve got him at a steady 77°F currently and between 60-70% humidity. It seems like everyone tells me cresties are fine at room temp and lower humidity but he seems to be comfortable with hot and wet.

Has anyone ever brought their pet reptiles into the shower with them? Ive done it with everyond of mine over the years, i feel like its a great bonding experience lol


Haha never done that.

I only let my cresties humidity go down to 60% when I’m doing a drying out period. They usually sit between 70-90%.

I guess room temperature is okay, depending on where you live. But that has too many variables involved. Plus okay doesn’t mean happy!

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Exactly! I like to weigh more on the safe side anyways and being native to a tropical island, I’d rather keep him warmer than colder. But the thermometer in his enclosure at the pet store read 93 and i didnt really feel good about that


Here is a picture of him fired up


So cute, unfortunately I’d need a side pic to tell if tricolour or not.

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Thx, it’s tough. For me… If class it as a harlequin not a tricolour as it wud need 2 be coverage of all 3 colours like these as eg.

Tricolour might spread with age but still shud be clear, these r old pics of my geckos that I estimate 2 b about the same size as Ur gecko just for comparison, they r grown ups now.


Do you have puctures of them as adults? Id love to get an idea what he’ll look like fully grown!