What Washes Away Freckles/Speckles/ Dots

No no, I agree.
I love the freckles :relaxed:

cookie-monster-emoji-cookie-monster-render Hi and welcome to the community
I like either no freckles or loads of them. So This discussion is interesting for my banana programme.
Check this high freckles thread out though, it might convert you.
.The freckles never end!

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For me freckles on other morphs are great, I like them less on bananas but I would really like a banana with little to no spots. :smile:

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OK I didnt convert you :smiley:
Well there is plenty of options for no freckles in this thread.
I like extreems of each so will be following this discussion :slight_smile:


Same, maybe there is a way to selectively breed for more spots and use other morphs to do that too?

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Some mite killer will wash away dots


This guys banana black pastel pied, only a few spots, but also only a year old


Love mr. Banana pie


What are your opinions of best morphs to reduce or Eliminate spots on Banana/Coral Glows?
I believe lesser is one. Any others?


Any of the bel genes. Enchi also works well.


Defiantly as @steelserpents suggests.
I am breeding my super to BEL complex for that reason.
Making a Super will also reduce spots even without other genes.
My adult super banana with no other genes has only one spot.

However, lots of spots are good too:-

I Like extreems of both :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ve moved your topic to this thread as about the same thing.
Have a read through.

Fire works well for one.

Awesome! Thank You!

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Thank you for that information that helps me out as well. I love banana/coral glows, but I really dislike the freckling they get into adulthood. It’s very polarizing in my opinion. I noticed butter, lesser and Mojave turn that lavender into somewhat of a brown. Will the fire Jean do the same thing or will it retain the lavender?

First, welcome to the community, I found its a great place to learn.
I am sure @ghoulishcresties will give you good advice, but there are so many other options too.
I would suggest going on morphmarket, sellect adult bananas and look at what they look like with different morph mixes.
I would add, they can look alot different with the same morph in them depending on bloodline (as you will find if you do a surch on morphmarket) E.G my adult Lesser banana below

Also enchi reduces spots alot as mentioned (adult picture)

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special is the best at removing freckles