This is Fluffy
She’s gorgeous! Just curious, why is she your least favourite? Just not into colubrids generally, or is there some reason why you dislike that snake specifically?
A mix of both. I don’t like 99% of colubrid species because of the way they slither, personality, and body shape.
I adore oddball species though, like boiga’s, pseudoxenodon macrops, hydrodynastes gigas, etc. I just don’t like anything that has the body style of king snakes and refuses to actually hold on to you.
And the second reason being a personal vendetta against it.
When I was a minor(17), I was hospitalized for 3 weeks and it was while I was dealing with a severe mite outbreak.
Long story cut very short, I lost an entire collection of reptiles and the lone survivor was the pine.
So because that one animal survived from the loss of your entire collection , you now have a personal vendetta against it ?
Very odd logic bud !
Beautiful snake
What a SWEET example that girl is !
Oh gosh, that’s awful, I’m so sorry that happened to you and your snakes. But it sounds like Fluffy is a survivor! So sorry you lost the rest of your collection, though.
No no no. You got me all wrong lol. It wasn’t the snakes fault and that wasn’t what happened.
It was just I never wanted it to begin with and I got it in a trade.
I was just happy to help a local store out and take the snake that “Is so mean it’s scaring the customers”. So I traded a striped cal king for it.
The snake tamed down, and what happened was just that I got upset when I lost my collection, and seen that the survivor was the only one I didn’t necessarily want.
She is, and she’s an amazing snake. I just don’t have a passion for that species, so it’s difficult for me to have an attachment to her.
She’s definitely always the snake I bring out when I talk to people that are terrified of snakes. She’s usually the favorite when friends come over, she’s just a phenomenal snake!
Thank you, not the best pic but the best I could do at the time. Hopefully will have a few more pics this week.
Here is one of my most recent lil girls, I received her on Dec 1 of 21. She must have been the runt of the clutch because she is the smallest one I have seen. My other girls are with in days of her and were much larger when I got them. But thats ok because I think shes a beauty!
She is a Hypo, Patternless, Het Ballum Axanthic, Het Whiteside and 66% Het Albino…
Man, I love patternless snakes! She is gorgeous.
Yes sir, me too! Thank you!
When I get off work today I will be cleaning, changing out waters. I will try to remember to take some more pics.
Here is one of my males, this is Powder.
He is Patternless, Ballum Axanthic, Whiteside, poss het Albino and poss het Hypo Stillwater
This is another one of my girls.
She is a Stillwater Hypo: An absolute stunner in my book!
Oh my god! I didn’t realize a Stillwater could have that much orange! Or is it just the lighting?
Powder makes my heart soar
That Stillwater is amazing!
No my friend, no lighting tricks here. She has flame in her, I also have a male for her as well!
Thank you!! Yes Sir, he is a stud! He has an unbelievable temperament.
Thank you!