Beautiful examples and looking nicely heathly too
These juvenile annectens are now beginning to reveal/develop their colours , All snows , three different phenotypes.
These tend to lack all the yellow pigments ,with white heads and have an overall white ‘leucistic-ish’ appearance when mature.
Another exclusive phenotype , the green hues are unmistakable next to the pale lavender head.
Something new , interesting contrast of colours with a super bright yellow action.
Those are some nice looking animals you got there!!
We should have a genetics calculator for Pituophis? So we can play around with calculator to get an idea of what we may be able to create.
There are more known morphs out now and everything online is out dated and incomplete. The names are getting out of hand meaning there are a few or more names for the same morph.
“Not sure if I can post this here, if not, please move to the correct location.”
To be honest, there is not a lot of information for the species in this area and if we are going to use this platform then lets really use this platform!! Fingers crossed…
Don’t work with them currently, but after watch snake discovery, and talking to some breeders at expos I really wanna add bulls to my collection. I’m going to have to wait until we have a bigger place, we just don’t have the space here to do it.
Finally got my first bull. One I’ve been wanting since I started keeping snakes. He’s about 9 months old. Just wondering what kind of feeding schedules you guys have your babies on
We require pics!! I have no suggestions for feeding schedule, i just wanna see the new baby
Yes pics please or its not true…lol!! J/k Congrats!! For me your feeding schedule would depend on the size of animal and what they were currently feeding on. Meaning live/FT, mice or rats? I transition mine to ft rats asap and feed my babies more frequent than subs or adults. If you do not know what they were feeding (previous owner should have relayed that info.) on and can not ask the person you received it from. Feeders should be 1-1 1/2 the size of the mid section of the body.
Congrats! And I second (third?) the demand for pictures!
I can’t help you with feeding, since I don’t keep them myself.
He’s about 16” long. Almost about as wide as a fuzzy in the middle. The breeder said he was on large pinkies. Frozen thawed. I’ve just read a lot of conflicting recommendations as to the amount and frequency of them ya know.
If you ask me, since he is a colubrid, you could size him up to fuzzies. I feed my yearling hog kses fuzzies and theure smaller than bim. Hes adorable and sassy and i love him.
It looks like he’s trying to eat you finger through the glass, haha. Silly snakey!
He’s a gorgeous little darling. Love that face. What species is he?
Yeah he’s just a standard Texas Bull Snake. Christine County local I believe.
In my opinion he should be well past the lg pinkie mice size. I would move to a rat fuzzy on the first few feedings and see how he does with that. If that goes well, in the next few months I would move him to a rat pup. I feed my babies about every 4 days, as they get larger (around 1yr old) I will move feeding to every 5,6,7 days pending growth.
I gave him a fuzzy this morning. Took it like a champ. I thought the pinkies were a little small
Another one of my females, crumble