Just the regular head pattern seen on hognoses! I do find it pretty cool how super conda makes them patternless besides the head.
Pastle yb desert ghost
Pastel axanthic het clown
Ghi Mojave het clown
Spotnose clown
Spotnose het clown
Loving the Mojave Ghi
Our 2 new male crested geckos a pinstripe and a dalmatian with some red spots. Names are pip and domino
We also got a bearded dragon, 8 ball male ball python, Banana pinstripe male, Champagne female.
sweet snake
I bought this beautiful girl;
I posted a thread with some of her story, so I won’t got into it here. Instead I will just link the thread. She is such a curious snake and isn’t afraid of anything. She even lets me pet her head lol.
Absolutely beautiful snake and photo. It’s like he was really posing for it
Not a reptile but it still counts right? New baby Pac Man frog, guessing a male but not sure. He was sort of a whim, so named him Whimsy. He’s currently our only amphibian.
He shall nom all. Including the occasional finger.
My new boy! He is insane compared to everything else I have. I don’t normally do anything recessive so he is way out of my normal zone! Lemonblast Hypo 100% het Desert Ghost
I’m definitely going to have to find girls for him because I have none of those recessives lol
Beautiful animal, you had to have bought it not too long after it hit Instagram haha.
Going to pick up an unknown Gene about 20mins from me Friday. Bought her today,. Mother is normal, Male unknown. Guy is guessing pastel, I like a good mystery, Gonna be my nephews pet. *Guesses welcome
Bought this girl and will be getting her on Tuesday. Shes a Mahogany Enchi Pastel Mojave Het Albino, at around 600 grams. She will be a great addition to the breeding group.
Hopefully she eats well enough to be up to size by the end of the year!
I’d like to use her with my cinnamon boy to hopefully produce some cinnamon suma combos in the future. The idea would be to produce a male with at least cinnamon and mahogany to pair back to her.